[ nick chapman's web design spot ]

Check out my birthday page turned music recommendation project
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a street print in downtown | asheville, nc
[ a street print in downtown | asheville, nc ]
[ i have been creating and implementing web sites for over ten years. my past projects range from (quite a few) personal webpages of various degrees of impressiveness to some pretty extensive, database fed, dynamic websites with advanced features such as user login, secure authentication, switchable themes, user-driven content, video embedding, photo galleries, and enterprise level LDAP integration. design-wise, anything someone can make in photoshop or the gimp, i am confident coding and implementing. i can also consultation services to advise or help with the layout, navigation, content, and functionality of a site to maximize its usefulness and ensure the correct target audience ends up at your site.

the projects page of my business site displays and explains some of my past and current projects. ]
[ what i'm listening to ]
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