[ nick chapman's photography spot ]

Check out my birthday page turned music recommendation project
< [ 9 / 55 ] >
outer banks vacation sunset | kitty hawk, nc
[ outer banks vacation sunset | kitty hawk, nc ]

Roy Tanck's Flickr Widget requires Flash Player 9 or better.

Nick C's flickr stream
courtesy of roytanck.com
[ i've always enjoyed photography, but became much more involved during my most long-lived college job: tourist photographer at the biltmore estate as a sharpshooter. during my employ, i learned some of the technical aspects during my job training and during slow days at work. word travels, and melissa and i have been hired as photographers for a some weddings and are expected to bring our dual D70s along to pretty much any event we partake in...which we happily oblige.

stop by our photography site which explains a little more about the combination of our styles and displays some of our portfolio pieces. ]
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